Wally was home sick was the fever virus last Tuesday and Wednesday, and Beaver woke up with a fever Saturday morning, so we stayed home Saturday and Sunday. The boys seem to be fine, but now I'm sick. :( I started feeling terrible yesterday afternoon when I brought the boys home from school and actually took a nap for 1.5 hours while they watched TV and played Nintendo, which is something I never do. I did manage to get up and fix dinner, but I felt horrible while I was cooking and the smell of the food nauseated me.
I didn't want to crawl into be at 6:00pm because I knew Wally had a lot of make-up homework to do in addition to his regular homework, Beaver needed a bath, and I was several days behind on my Bible Study. So, I laid on the couch and tried to direct the kids in the right direction. Ward was great about trying to get them to be quiet, but he was working on Wally's Pinewood Derby car out in the garage since the race is this Saturday so he wasn't around to be much help with the physical stuff. My plan was to go to bed around 9:00pm, but I didn't end up getting to sleep until about 10:15pm, and now I have a huge headache this morning.
I'm not looking forward to today. As soon as I drop the boys off at school, I have to sit in my car for 20 minutes and try to finish my Bible Study lesson, and then head over to my friend's house for the study. I'm coughing a lot, so I know this won't be very much fun, but I can't miss it because I had to miss last week when I was taking care of Wally.
After the class, I have to drive straight to the Big City (40 minutes from here) for a monthly staff meeting...did I tell you I work from home for my husband's boss? The work is simple and very flexible and I love my job and my boss, but today is the worst day to have to drive all that way for a 1 hour meeting. After the meeting, Ward and I have to go over to another building and load up a bunch of books his boss is giving us for our personal library. We've been putting this off for months, and he was so generous to give us this gift that we really need to take care of that today.
Directly after this, I have to drive back to our town and pick up the boys from school. Wally will have to finish the rest of his make-up work tonight-plus regular homework, and I will have to make dinner and see that Wally gets a bath. Right after dinner, Ward is taking Wally to the batting cages because he has baseball tryouts on Saturday and needs to get back in the groove, so I will have to take care of Beaver. Beaver is one of those children that is such a joy to be around because he has so much life and energy and is almost always in a good mood, but he is also very needy and can't really entertain himself. He hates to be alone and constantly has to be given lists of activities he can do to pass the time.
I couldn't have picked a worse day to be sick. If I make it through the day, I think I am going to crash hard around 8:30pm and not look back.
Lord, give me strength!
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