I will try, once a month on the 14th, to show you what a day in my life looks like, no matter what day the 14th falls. This time it fell on a Saturday and we had a busy and full day!
Friday night, I made ham-egg-and cheese casserole and let it sit overnight in the fridge. I popped it in the oven around 7:45a.m. and then went right back to sleep since everyone else was still asleep. (On Friday nights we let Wally and Beaver get their sleeping bags and sleep on our floor. I have no idea why they enjoy this so much!)
At around 9:00am, everyone hopped out of bed and headed towards the kitchen for some casserole.
After breakfast, we quickly got dressed for Wally's "Go See It" outing with the Cub Scouts. We went to our county's historical museum where they had pioneer rope-making, candle-making, turn-of-the-century games, and an old homestead set-up and completely decorated with period pieces. Then, we went inside the museum to see a big model train display...the highlight of their day!

When we came home we had lunch(leftover home-made pizza from Friday night), and then the boys went to their rooms for some quiet time while I did some light house-cleaning (the floors) and Ward took a nap on the couch.
While everyone was still sleeping, I made some "cinnamini's" for the boys (their absolute favorite treat) and then started getting things ready for their dinner since I had plans to meet my girlfriends for dinner in the city.
When the boys woke up, Ward took them outside to play football and enjoy the beautiful fall weather we've been having here lately. It was 69 degrees with a nice breeze and the perfect day to be outside enjoying God's creation.
I met my girlfriends at a new Mexican restaurant and we had a great time catching up. We've been going to dinner together 5-6 times a year for the past 6 years and we've seen each other get married, start families, change jobs, etc. We really enjoy our dinners and always try to pick a new and exciting restaurant. This one was great. I had the BEST burrito!
When I got home, the boys were already in bed and Ward and I cuddled up on the couch and watched the history channel until we fell asleep.
Great Day!
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